
Sabtu, 28 November 2009

bakpia from jogja

Bakpia is food made from a mixture of green beans with sugar wrapped in a flour and baked. In some areas in Indonesia, the food seemed legit if eaten is known as the pia or pia cake. Contents bakpia can adjust to the desires of consumers of chocolate, cheese, kumbu green, and black kumbu. Bakpia well-known one of them came from the area Pathok (Pathuk), Yogyakarta.

Since time immemorial bakpia start was made, which clearly bakpia very closely with the city of Yogyakarta. It was a legit because it is made from a mixture of green beans and sugar then wrapped in dough with a little vegetable oil.

Choice of natural materials and the right ingredients to make a by-bakpia by Jogja typical for loved ones at home. In normal conditions, resistance can bakpia to 1 month without preservatives and storage in a good room temperature.

Sentra Bakpia Pathok Pathok
Based on data from Department of Trade and Industry Cooperative (Disperindagkop) DIY, during the year 2007 at least 46 percent of the total 75,140 small industries in the province are engaged in food processing. Some of them are industries that produce food products bakpia.

The number of small industries bakpia makers was relatively small. On the whole DIY recorded only bakpia 131 small businesses, less than one percent of the total 34,628 small industries in the province food

One of the centers are quite popular bakpia is bakpia Pathok centers. To achieve this bakpia centers is not difficult. If you are currently located in the region malioboro, enough with Rp5000, - you will be driven rickshaw trip, with a different sense of bakpia. Location close enough to make Pathok Malioboro never quiet visitors.

Pathok is one of the centers are well known bakpia from time to time. Even some consumers have a particular brand as customers. Along this road KS Tubun every house has bakpia making business from household scale to industrial scale.

You will easily find stores bakpia vendors around these streets. Bakpianya own brand of house numbers which are patented. So do not be surprised when you buy bakpia in house number 25 is brand bakpianya also 25, house number 75 with bakpia 75 or even a house number 175 with 175 bakpia.
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Rabu, 25 November 2009

gudeg, The most preferred food

Jogjakarta other famous tourist attractions and culture, is also famous for its traditional foods. One of the traditional foods are typical Jogya gudeg. Gudeg seller can also be found in other cities, but the Jogja gudeg has a unique taste and different from the existing gudeg in other areas. Gudeg Jogja has a distinctive sweet taste. Traditional food is also nice to be a trade mark of Jogja city. Once famous as a special food gudeg Jogja, to the extent that Jogja is also known by another name 'City of Gudeg'

Gudeg (gudheg Java language) is the food of Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made from young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk and seasoned with kluwek. It took me hours to make this dish. Brown leaves are usually produced by the same identity cooked. Gudeg eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk (areh), chicken, eggs, fried tofu and sauce krecek. There are many variants gudeg, among others: * Gudeg Dry, namely gudeg areh presented with a thick, much thicker than plain milk in cooking. * Gudeg Wet, namely gudeg areh presented with watery.

This food is delicious eaten with hot rice and sambal krecek. Food-based young jackfruit, chicken, eggs and tofu or tempeh is not difficult to make. If you love spicy, hot sauce can be added krecek. The combination of warm rice, and salsa krecek gudeg can make a lot of people addicted to eating it.

Gudeg Jogja not only favored by the people of Jogja but also favored by people from outside the area. Gudeg they can enjoy eating at home or in the lesehan stalls. In addition gudeg can also take home as souvenirs typical of Yogyakarta in cardboard box packaging, besek bamboo, or kendil.

So, if you visit to Jogja, do not forget to taste gudeg Yogyakarta. If you do not have time to sample gudeg in Joga, please bring back this Jogja gudeg as souvenirs. You can also try the recipe below gudeg.

Materials - materials:

* Meat chicken 1 / 2 kg
* Young jackfruit 1 / 2 kg
* 4 eggs chicken eggs
* Know white medium (medium) 6
* The old coconut 1 piece (grated)
* Teak leaves 4 to 6 pieces.


* 6 red onion seeds
* 8 cloves garlic
* Coriander 1 1 / 2 tsp
* 2 segment finger laos
* 7 fruits pecan
* 4 pieces of bay leaves
* Brown sugar 2 tablespoons
* 1 tablespoon salt

How to cook:

1. grated coconut, put a little water, wring it out and take santannya 750 cc
2. Boiled eggs and peel skin
3. washed and chopped young jackfruit
4. young jackfruit boiled with teak leaves.
5. Drain and crushed young jackfruit boiled
6. Blend all ingredients except the laos and salam leaf
7. Put all the ingredients and spices to the pan
8. Boil all the ingredients and spices with coconut milk until the milk is low
After cooking, the food is ready to be served for 5 people, as a friend to eat rice warm. Even better if eaten in the morning or evening, as the habit of people in Yogyakarta
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Selasa, 24 November 2009

Jathilan, traditional art that was almost forgotten

Recognized as one of the oldest dances in Java. Often referred to as a braid or jaran.Sejatinya lesson, Jathilan is a dance drama featuring a soldier's valor on the battlefield on horseback as he drew a sword. As shown, the dancer uses a mock horse made of woven bamboo or animal skin, called the Horse braid. Dancers put this braid horse between her legs that it looked like a knight on a horse while dancing to the accompaniment of musical instruments kendhang, bonangs, saron, kempul, trumpet and ketipung.

Jathilan known as one of the dance forms of the oldest in Java. Art is also often referred to as a lesson or a lesson braids. Jathilan dance is also a stage play that brought six pairs of people who use the same uniform. In addition to this dance, which also featured dancers use masks. With characters that range, there gondoruwo (Satan) or barongan (lion). They arise when the soldiers left for war in order to disturb.

No one knows when the first and defines this dance there. But certainly, Jathilan developed in some areas such as East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta. Each region displays the version of each. About the story, they are usually identical to showing the same play, such as Panji, Ario Penangsang and picture the soldier's life during the Majapahit kingdom.

This dance flexible nature, can appear anywhere, at weddings, circumcision or at a party or festival of folk art.
According to a professor of the Department of Dance Faculty of Performing Arts Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta, Gandung Sudjatmiko, this art comes from the common people.

This can be seen from the appearance of simplicity clothing used by the dancers. They wore knee-length pants, batik cloth subordinates, shirts or sweatshirts, setagen, buckled belt, shoulder straps (enthusiastic), waist sash (sampur) and cloth headbands (udheng) and ear ornaments (sumping). The dancers dressed up and wearing flashy sunglasses. Of course very different from the clothing of a superiors kingdom wear self-contained and bright. Dance inclined exhibited repetitive and monotonous with a simple composition, but with passion.

Demonic possession is identical to
Jathilan is a dance drama with fellow soldiers battle scenes on horseback with a sword weapon, which prioritizes the theme of this dance battle gallant soldier in the battlefield on horseback and armed with swords. However, more people know him as a dance that is identical with that contain elements of dance and trance magic.
In the original version, the dancers will perform Jathilan dance scene continued without stopping, turning in circles until one of them had experienced what is called trance (unconscious condition but still dancing).

The audience will be tense when they began to achieve what is in front. Even broken glass to eat the dancer who did not feel the slightest pain much less bloody. They chew it like to enjoy a delicious finger foods and delicious. For some viewers, it's trance scene is a fascinating spectacle. How do humans eat glass, eating grass, coconut peel with teeth and other stunts.

Over time, the art of dance now Jathilan can be varied with a variety of other music. Call it the new model Jathilan. They had penetrated into the region and modern feel with music mengolaborasikan there today that does not seem tacky, such as jazz, pop or mixed Sari.

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kaliurang, the beautiful place in the north jogja

Kaliurang located in the northernmost tip of Yogyakarta city, is a resort at the foot of Mount Merapi. These sights from the time formerly been known as a resting place in the Dutch colonial era. Seiringnya passage of time, Kaliurang later became a resort famous people of Yogyakarta.

Various villas and other resort available in this area. Located about 24 kilometers north of Yogyakarta, Kaliurang can be penatnya refuge from city life.

The cool weather could restore the freshness of body and mind. However, too often used as a location Kaliurang to hold an important meeting. In addition to rest, Kaliurang also provide a place for camping and pathways that can be taken for trekking.

At certain times, entertainment events are also held in Kaliurang, either morning or night. Ranging from such traditional arts Jatilan to rave party emerging. On the night of the new year, sometimes also held the fireworks and entertainment stages that can suck in visitors from the city of Yogyakarta.

Villas offered in Kaliurang has a wide variety of rental prices starting from Rp 150,000, - per night. In addition to the villa, there are motels that rented a room with varying prices. As a complement, is also a restaurant and dining room that provides a variety of cuisines, both traditional and international.

When visiting the Kaliurang, do not forget to stop by for a while and buy food in the form of typical Kaliurang bastard, foods made from glutinous rice. Sweet, marinated tofu and tempeh would be a complement of a bitch, bitch, although good enough to eat without a complement.

Using a motor vehicle, travel for 45 minutes from Yogyakarta can be done easily. Levy was still drawn reasonable and not too expensive. Travel to Kaliurang will not disappoint even though you do not have much time to enjoy it.
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tugu jogja, the icon of jogja

Tugu Jogja is the landmark of yogyakarta city. This monument is located right in the middle of the intersection of Prince Street Mangkubumi, jendral Sudirman Street, Street AM Sangaji and Street Diponegoro. Tugu Jogja almost 3 centuries-old has a deep meaning and store some historical record of Yogyakarta city.

Tugu Jogja was established approximately a year after the sultan's palace stood. At its inception, this building clearly illustrates Manunggaling Kawula Gusti, the spirit of unity to the people and against the colonial rulers. The spirit of unity, or the so-called classified gilig was illustrated clearly in building the monument, pole-shaped gilig (cylinder) and the peak shape of classified (round), so-called Tugu Golong Gilig.

Specifically, Tugu Jogja buildings constructed during the early cylinder-shaped columns that pursed up. The bottom of the circular fence while the top round. Building height of the monument was originally reached 25 meters.

Everything changed on June 10, 1867. The earthquake that struck Yogyakarta when the monument was made of the building collapsed. In a sense this fall when the monument is a state of transition, before the meaning of unity really not reflected in the monument building.

Things really changed in the year 1889, when the Dutch government to renovate the building monument. Monument is made with a square with each side decorated with an inscription which indicates a kind of who was involved in the renovation. The top of the monument is no longer round, but the pointy cone-shaped. Building height will be lower, too, just as high as 15 meters or 10 meters lower than the original building. Since then, the monument is referred to as De Witt Paal or monument the White Pal.

Reforms of the building is actually a Dutch tactics to erode the unity between the people and the king. However, seeing the struggle of the people and the king held in Yogyakarta later, we know that the effort was not successful.

If you want to look at the Tugu Jogja as much as he recalled his philosophical meaning, is a bench overlooking the monument at the corner of Jl. Prince Mangkubumi. 05.00 - 06.00 morning is the right time, when the air was fresh and had lots of motor vehicles passing by. Occasionally you may be greeted with a friendly smile newspaper deliveryman who want to work a daily circulation of People's Sovereignty.

Pm to midnight, there are sellers gudeg (Yogyakarta cuisine) at the corner of Jl. Diponegoro. Gudeg known good here and the price reasonable. You can eat in lesehan while enjoying the view of the Tugu Jogja was bathed in the light.

Tugu Jogja so identical with the city of Yogyakarta, a lot of students to express her excitement nomads after graduating from the university declared a hug or kiss Tugu Jogja. Perhaps it was also as an expression of affection to the city of Yogyakarta which will soon be left behind, and promise that one day he would visit this beloved city again
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Parangtritis, the Most Popular Beach in Yogyakarta

Parangtritis beach is one beach that must be visited, not just because it is the most popular beach in Yogyakarta, but also has a close relationship with various other tourist attractions, such as the Sultan's Palace, Beach Parangkusumo and Merapi area. The beach is located 27 kilometers from the city center is also part of the power of Ratu Kidul.

Naming Parangtritis has its own historicity. It is said that someone named Dipokusumo who are fugitives from the kingdom of Majapahit came to this area hundreds of years ago to do meditation. When he saw droplets of water that flows from the rock cracks, he was named the area became South ', parang (= stone) and tumaritis (= drop of water). The beach is located in the area was eventually named the same

Parangtritis beach is a beach full of myth, believed to be a manifestation of the unity of the trinity consisting of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta Kingdom and Parangtritis. This beach is also believed to be the meeting place Panembahan Senopati with Sunan Kalijaga shortly after completion through meditation. In the meeting, Senopati reminded to remain humble as though a supernatural ruler.

The primary attraction of this beach. Enjoy the natural view the most important. Natural charm that can diintip from various locations and how that landscape is more varied views and you also have a different experience. If you are standing on the edge of beaches, natural charm that seems a sea view are immense with the harsh waves and high cliffs on the east.

To enjoy it, you can simply walk from east to west and looking toward the south. In addition, you can also hire gig that will take you through the same route without fatigue. There are also offers horseback riding to explore the beach. The cost, you can discuss with the tenant services.

After enjoying the view from the shore Parangtritis, you can go to the Cave Langse for a different experience. On the dirt road to the Cave Langse, you can look west and see the beauty of others Parangtritis. Large ocean waves toward shore to see the silver sunlight, and will be colored to resemble gold when the sun began to blush, or at dusk.

Satisfied with landscapes you can enjoy the experience of other attractions to the historic sites located around Parangtritis Beach. One of them is the tomb of Sheikh Bela Belu located on the road to the beach. You can go through the steps of a highway connecting with the sacred hill where the tomb is. Generally, many pilgrims came on Tuesday kliwon.

Finished visiting the tomb, you can challenge yourself to go Langse Cave, a cave to be within walking distance as far as 3 km and the 400-meter-high cliff with a slope angle is almost 900. To enter the cave which is also often referred to as the Queen of the South Cave, you must request permission in advance the key interpreter. According to one of the guards in Depok Beach when young often down the cave, you can see the view of the southern ocean is more beautiful then successfully entered the cave.

5 on 5 in a calendar month of the Chinese, you can see the procession ceremony in Parangtritis Duanwu Festival. Duanwu Festival, comes from the word meaning Peh oar and poisonous, which means boat, is a form of thanksgiving to God Tioghoa community. The festival is also meant to commemorate Khut Gwan (Yuan Qi), a patriot and as well as ministers in the kingdom known loyalty to the king until he was vilified by his colleagues and chose suicide.

Duanwu Festival Celebration in Parangtritis considered unique because it is not filled with the attraction of rowing a boat decorated with a dragon like in other places, but with the attraction of egg stand. Attractions began at around 11:00 and peaked at 12:00. At noon, according to the trust, the egg can stand upright without supported. However, once entered at 13.00, the eggs will fall by itself and can not be established anymore.

To achieve Parangtritis, you can choose two routes. First, the route of Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Siluk - Parangtritis offering spectacular river and mountain rocks. Second, through the route of Yogyakarta - Parangtritis that can be done with due mdah relatively good roads. Recommended, you do not wear green to honor local residents who believed that green dress could bring disaster.
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