
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Malioboro, The cozy place for shopping

Picnic or a walk to the town of Yogyakarta incomplete if it did not set foot in Malioboro. Shopping souvenirs, knick-knacks and souvenirs of the most comprehensive and the cheapest

When the holidays arrive, tourists are always packed Malioboro starting from morning till evening. Even late at night, Malioboro never deserted by the tourists. If it had started late night street vendors began packing to go home, turn lesehan food traders who held a variety of cuisines. Starting from gudeg rice, fried chicken, fried duck or rice brongkos and so on.
Malioboro region starting from the northernmost tip of the south of Yogyakarta Tugu Station. In the north of the station there is a monument monument monument is a symbol of this gudeg city. The travelers who use rail transport to Yogyakarta, very easy and fast to Malioboro shopping center. And the most southern Malioboro is equally interesting. After shopping and culinary tired in Malioboro, please go to the south of Malioboro is because there are lots of cool sights. Starting from the Presidency Indonesia Gedung Agung, Fort Vredeburg, March Eleven Monument, North Square, the Palace Ngayogyakarta, Taman Sari and Ngasem Bird Market.
Location of many attractions that make the city of Yogyakarta became one of the city's favorite holiday destination for tourists. The atmosphere is safe, orderly and comfortable to make the city known as the food is gudegnya tour number one choice ..
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Spirit In Serangan Oemoem 1 Maret Monument

Serangan Oemoem 1 Maret Monument located on Jl. Jend A. Yani, near the town square of Kraton Yogyakarta. Among the iron-iron fence, the monument is seen still standing strong and looking well groomed. This monument was crowded visited the children during school holidays, while on normal days this place looks like a regular hangout because it made this monument in front of a row of seats provided.

As its name implies, the monument was built as a representation for the attack which happened on March 1, 1949 in Yogyakarta. The attack was carried out by the Army of the Republic of Indonesia against the Dutch. The aim is to break the morale of the troops in the Netherlands and internationally proven that the Indonesian National Army (TNI) still has the power to resist. "Jogja's time was the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, so it can be taken even if briefly, the impact would be enormous", light Suripto, tour guide in Sultan's Palace.

TNI to develop strategies to fight against the Dutch troops that began with the sabotage act like a phone network decided, destroying the railroads and the like. Then the Army made an attack on Dutch outposts that had spread in all regions in Indonesia.

The climax of this resistance occurred on March 1, 1949. This attack led by Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto, after obtaining approval from the Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the head of the Special Region of Yogyakarta at the time. The attack began at 06.00 at the same time all over the city. And ends at 12:00 after the Indonesian National Army (TNI) occupied the area for 6 hours.

The spirit of the Indonesian National Army when it deserves thumbs up. They have a strong determination to show the existence of himself. And as hard as they carry out what has become a destination and their ideals from the beginning. This spirit, which should be imitated by the youth in Indonesia, the spirit to go forward and achieve your goals. In order to have achieved victory Indonesian nation from imperialism through a long struggle will not be in vain.
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The Gembira Loka Zoo Park

GEMBIRA LOKA establishment process takes a relatively long time, which is about 20 years. A new idea can be realized by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX by entrusting Kebon Rojo development planning to the building of a Dutch expert named Ir. Karsten.

Apparently, Kebon Rojo development plans should be delayed again due to the outbreak of World War II that involved the Dutch, so the impact is also to Indonesia as a colony. Because the situation is not possible at that time, the delayed development plans Kebon Rojo was continued until the Japanese occupation in Indonesia ended.

n 1953 a new development plan can be realized Kebon Rojo marked with the establishment of the Foundation "GEMBIRA LOKA Yogyakarta" through the Notary deed RM. Wiranto No. 11 Date 10 September 1953. So since that request for the establishment GEMBIRA LOKA Yogyakarta begins. GEMBIRA LOKA workmanship land located on the west side of the river or in areas Winongo Warungboto village, was first performed in 1955. Interval four years later, KGPAA Paku Alam VIII as Chairman of the Foundation appointed GEMBIRA LOKA Yogyakarta Tirtowinoto to continue the development and construction. Paku Alam VIII KGPAA deliberately pointed Tirtowinoto because votes have a big interest to assist the development GEMBIRA LOKA by devoting energy, thoughts and funds from private pockets is not small.

Thanks to the perseverance Tirtowinoto also, GEMBIRA LOKA finally experiencing rapid progress and development, especially in the era of 70 to 80-an. In fact, animals that were collected are also more complete, so that visitors could GEMBIRA LOKA reached its peak in 1978 with the arrival of new species of hippopotamus, which reaches more than 1.5 million people. However, after that, visitors tend to be more GEMBIRA LOKA decline, among others, due to the monetary crisis in 1998. Unfortunately, in the midst of efforts GEMBIRA LOKA manager to waive the interest visitors, in 2006 a massive earthquake hit Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. GEMBIRA LOKA did not escape the blows of the devastating earthquake and aggravated by cold lava Gajah Wong river flooded so much of the infrastructure and facilities owned, including several other supporting facilities were severely damaged. Along with the development and demands of the times, now GEMBIRA LOKA Foundation continued to clean up. Any deed of establishment of the Foundation and then updated and refined through a Notary Sri Jeany Tabitha, SH, MKN Number 19 On May 18th of 2007. Even GEMBIRA LOKA Foundation now hold PT Buana Alam Tirta for the management and development GEMBIRA LOKA.
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Taman Sari Water Castle

Taman Sari Taman Sari Yogyakarta or Yogyakarta Palace is a former site park or garden palace (royal garden) Yogyakarta Palace. This can be compared with the Bogor Botanical Gardens Bogor Palace gardens. This garden was built in the time of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I (HB I) 1758-1765/9 year. Initially, the park is getting the title "The Fragrant Garden" has an area of more than 10 acres with about 57 buildings in the form of buildings, swimming baths, a suspension bridge, canal water, and artificial lakes and artificial islands and underwater tunnel. Garden used effectively between 1765-1812 was originally stretched from the southwest to the southeast of the complex Kedhaton Magangan complex. But today, the remnants of the Taman Sari, which can be seen only in the southwest just Kedhaton complex.

That said, Taman Sari was built in the former palace of the old, Garjitawati Guesthouse, which was founded by susuhunan Pakubuwono II as a resting place that will train a horse go to Imogiri. As the leadership development projects Tumenggung ditunjuklah Taman Sari Mangundipuro. The entire development cost borne by Regent Madison, Tumenggung Prawirosentiko, with all people. Therefore exempt from Madiun district tax levies. In the midst of construction project management was taken over by Prince Notokusumo, after Mangundipuro resigned. Although officially a royal garden, but the existing buildings bebrapa indicate Taman Sari served as the last bastion if the palace was attacked by the enemy. It is said that one of the architects of this royal garden was a Portuguese who is better known by Tegis Demat.

Kompleks Taman Sari at least can be divided into 4 parts. The first part is an artificial lake located to the west. The next section is a building located in the south of the artificial lake include Umbul Member Baths. The third part is Pasarean Ledok Garjitawati Sari and pool located in the southern part of the second. The last section is the eastern part of the first and second sections and extends eastward to the southeast Magangan complex.
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The Mystical of Ulen Sentalu Museum

Ullen Sentalu Museum is located in the area Kaliurang, Sleman, which was established on March 1, 1997. The museum was originally to save the works of many ancient batik hunted by foreign collectors.

Ulen Sentalu itself is an acronym of "ulating blencong sejatine tataraning lumaku" namely that if difilosofiskan life is like a flame of fire snaking does not remain steady for the alias that's not to be careful in pursuing life.
This museum tells the kingdom of Yogyakarta - Solo particularly the lives of the daughters and batik. There are 7 rooms in it, where each room is designed in exotic and certainly we will see many interesting things.
The first room contains paintings and photographs, there are images that are Hartini Mrs. fourth wife of the Bung Karno who loved batik, the daughter of the palace, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Bray Partini Djayadiningrat, jay Dimas grandmother who was a famous writer of the period . One of the most phenomenal work is ande-ande moss, painting girl from ordinary people using a special batik average person who at that time known as "dhenok" tub-style model photos, paintings by her husband of Queen mas X Pakubuwono during It is the king of the richest and most extravagant. Also shown are also paintings which include pornography category. At that time the so-called pornography is when a woman show calves.

The hallways in this room also contains a painting and batik. There are 3-dimensional painting, paintings, fashionable daughter, nurul gusti, Pakubuwono with his elder son and grandson of Princess Mayana, prince charles paintings, along with lady diana Sri Sultan HB X and Queen Hemas and various kinds of motif. Also told that during the Sri Sultan HB IX, batik allowed for public use or common people.

The room contains two Romantic poems and built for Gusti Tinneke made by aunts, cousins and nephews. Tinneke was a princess who loved a man but is forced to marry someone she did not love. At first she refused an arranged marriage, yet he finally gave up, too. While times are overwhelmed with sadness that aunt, cousin and nephew sent him a poem. One of them is:

Solo 7-12-1939
Tien Darling

Scatter of your affection
The neighborhood
Terangilah sad feelings
Gelarlah blanket of love over sin and shortcomings of others
That is the essence of happiness

The room contains three of Solo and Yogya batik. Batik at the moment can only be made by the daughter of the palace. And batik-making must be preceded by mutih event. Expected made batik will be useful later. There are broken machete motive motive which should not be used to wrap the dead because it was feared there would be a war for those left behind, there is also a special batik motifs used at states like the opposite sex, is intended to avoid rejection and many more.

The fourth room is a room encim batik. Where batik already been modified. Batik takes 3 months just to make batik 1. And of course the price at encim batik is very expensive.

The fifth room. This room is a special room GRAY. Siti Nurul Kamaril Ngasaratin Kusumawardhani. Beautiful princess beautiful palace was a princess who strongly disagree with the existence of polygamy among the palace. President Sukarno and Sri Sultan HB IX gusti just really wanted to be his wife nurul. However, having had a previous wife so gusti nurul reject the proposal. In addition to beautiful, too smart nurul gusti. He is adept at horseback riding, mastering 4 languages, as well as dancing. Even at one gusti nurul dibelanda event dance accompanied by gamelan sounding native of court by telephone. Very often the talk of the media in the country and abroad, especially because until the age of 30 years were not married. During this period, usually a girl after the first menstrual period (10-12 years) will immediately wed. According wiwin mba, Sentalu ulen tour guide, nurul gusti now living in Bandung and 82-year-old. Gray is the son of permainsuri, if the child of a concubine is called Bray. Siti came from Java and arabic language, which means princess. Kamaril from Arabic which means moon, so that means ngasaratin ten were Kusumawardhani is beautiful.

The sixth room contains paintings kethawang Dance bendoro park, where the dance can only be displayed when the king ascended the throne, danced by nine people who were still a virgin girl. Where at the time the dancers have danced in a net alias is not menstruating, and had to fast beforehand. It is believed there will be a tenth of dancers Nyi Roro Kidul. Painting Pakubuwono X, Sri Sultan HB X and Queen Hemas, as well as bridal portrait yogya Java.

The room is a room souvenir seventh. Here you can see, choose and even buy souvenirs.

End visit to this museum, we will be treated to drinks derived from cloves, ginger, pandan leaves and the secret ingredient that tastes so delicious. And the myth of this drink will make us long life.
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Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Kraton Yogyakarta, Mataram Sultan Palace

Royal Palaces, Palace or the Palace, comes from the word ka-Queen's, which means a place to live queen / king. Are broader sense, be described in simple, that the whole structure and building area of the Kingdom means associated with the Javanese worldview essential, namely "Paraning Sangkan Dumadi" (where it comes from humans and where humans finally after death).

Outlines, the Palace area extends 5 km to the south until Krapyak and 2 km to the north end of the monument. On this line there is a linear line of dualism reversed, so that could be read symbolically philosophically. From south to north, as a human birth from a high place to the finite nature, and vice versa as the return of humans to the side Dumadi (God in the eyes of Java). While the Palace as a physical with the king as a symbol of true spirit that comes into the body.

Kraton to the monument is also interpreted as a way of life full of temptations. Beringharjo market symbolizes women temptation. While the temptation of power is symbolized by Kepatihan Building. Both are located on the right. Straight road itself as a human symbol close to the Creator (Paraning impressive Dumadi).

Simply put, Tugu symbolism Linga (male) and Krapyak as Yoni (female). And the Palace as a body that comes from both.
Spatial meaning Kraton Yogyakarta

After the 1867 hit by the earthquake, the Palace suffered heavy damage. During HB VII in 1889, the building was restored. Although the layout is retained, but the shape of the building changed, as seen today

Monument and the ward or ward Manguntur Tangkil Kencana (where the king's throne), located in a straight line, this implies, when the Emperor sat on his throne and looking toward the monument, so he will always remember the people (subjects unity gusti).

The same order as the Palace Sultan of Mataram dynasty in general. Kencana wards on which the king reigned, together with Ward Prabayeksa as a place to store weapons heritage Kingdom (in this room there Wiji Kyai oil lamp, which always kept the courtiers not to die), serves as a center. The ward is covered by the court Kedhaton, so to reach the center, must go through the pages resemble layered circuit bewa (waves) above the sea.

Kraton spatial arrangement is very similar to the constellation of mountains and plains Guava Dwipa, which is seen as a continent of the universe center.

From north to south area of the Palace there are successive North Square, North Hinggil Siti, North Kemandhungan, Srimanganti, Kedhaton, Kemagangan, South Kemandhungan, Siti South Hinggil Square South (which the court shielded the high wall).

While the door to go through to get to each place nine, called Regol. From the north there is the gate, pangurukan, Tarub great, brajanala, Srimanganti, kemagangan, gadhung Mlati, kemandhungan and ivory.

Brongtodiningrat important at these numbers, the numbers represent the highest perfection. This corresponds to nine holes in human beings commonly known as babahan hawa sanga.

The sacredness of each Palace building is indicated by the frequency and intensity of activity at the site of the Sultan.

Square, Cultural, and Siti Hinggil, in this place of Sultan only present three times a year, ie at Grebeg Ageng Pisowan Mawlood, Sawal and Besar. As well as a very incidental occasion a very special example when the coronation of the Emperor and the coronation of Prince Crown Prince or Duke Anom.

Sultan Palace is indeed an old building, once damaged and restored. At first glance like the Palace buildings generally. But if we explore the Palace of Yogyakarta, which is the largest and most beautiful examples with symbolic meaning, a philosophy of life, human nature, how nature works and human beings live their lives and the lives of the existence of hidden symbolism in it.
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Enjoy The Fresh Fish In Depok Beach

Among the other beaches in the area of Bantul, Depok Beach is looking at is designed to enjoy the culinary tour center seafood. On this beach, is a traditional restaurant offering seafood, lined up not far from the beach. Some food stalls and even intentionally designed to face south, so as to enjoy seafood, you can see the sea view with large waves.

Nuance coastal diner and Depok Beach fishing activities have been developed since 10 years ago. According to the story, about the year 1997, a few fishermen who came from Cilacap to find an adequate landing spot in Depok Beach. The fishermen who brought the catch enough to inspire citizens generally Depok Beach living as farmers take land sand to catch fish.

Some coastal residents began to become "tekong", a local term referring to the fish finder. The capital tekong sail with motor boats equipped with outrigger. Fishing activities carried out most of the year, except on certain days that are considered sacred, namely Tuesday and Friday Kliwon Kliwon. Outside the fish a bad season that lasted between the months of June to September, the number pretty good catches.

Because the number of large catches, the locals opened Fish Landing Base (PPI) which is equipped with fish auction place (TPI) named Mina Bahari 45. Fish auction in this beach even accept deposits of fish caught by fishermen on the other beaches. When YogYES visited, the place was crowded auction visited by the tourists.

With the increasing number of visitors that the beach is 1.5 kilometers from Parangtritis this, then opened restaurant-seafood diner. Generally, food stalls that stood on this beach offers a traditional feel. The building looks simple diner with Limasan roof, while the seat is designed lesehan using mats and small tables. Although simple, the diner was clean and comfortable.

Various seafood dishes can be tasted. Fish dishes are most popular and inexpensive is tuna, worth USD 8000.00 per kilogram, equivalent to 5 to 6 fish. Other fish species that can be enjoyed by the white snapper and red snapper with a range of price USD 17,000.00 - 25,000.00 USD per kilogram. Species of fish whose price is bawal quite expensive, costing USD 27,000.00 - USD 60,000 per kilogram. Besides fish, there are also crabs, shrimp and squid.

Seafood dishes are usually cooked with baked or fried. If you want to order it, you can go to the fish auction place to order fish or other marine catches. After that, you usually will be delivered to one of the existing restaurant on the beach by one of the people. No need to worry about high prices, a pound plus tuna YogYES drink tasted like, only sold USD 22,000.00 including cooking services.

Satisfied seafood meal, you can exit the beach and turned right toward the direction Parangkusumo and Parangtritis. There, you will find a rare natural scenery and amazing, that is Gumuk sand. Gumuk sand on this beach is the only one in Southeast Asia and is a rare phenomenon in the tropics. Here, you can enjoy the vast expanse of sand, like in a desert.

Gumuk contained sand near Depok Beach formed over thousands of years through a unique process. In the past, there are various types of forms, namely barchan dune, comb dune, parabolic dune and longitudinal dune. Currently only a few tedapat, the barchan and longitudinal. Wind sea and the steep hill to the east of the sand fly which results terendap Merapi activity near the river to the mainland, forming dunes or Gumuk.

To enjoy the scenery and seafood Gumuk this sand, you can through the same route with Parangtritis from Yogyakarta. Once on the postal charges Parangtritis, you can turn right onto Beach Depok. Entrance fee to the Depok Beach is only USD $ 4000.00 for two people and one motorcycle. When you bring a car, you will be charged USD 5000.00 plus cost of the individual.

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