
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

The Mystical of Ulen Sentalu Museum

Ullen Sentalu Museum is located in the area Kaliurang, Sleman, which was established on March 1, 1997. The museum was originally to save the works of many ancient batik hunted by foreign collectors.

Ulen Sentalu itself is an acronym of "ulating blencong sejatine tataraning lumaku" namely that if difilosofiskan life is like a flame of fire snaking does not remain steady for the alias that's not to be careful in pursuing life.
This museum tells the kingdom of Yogyakarta - Solo particularly the lives of the daughters and batik. There are 7 rooms in it, where each room is designed in exotic and certainly we will see many interesting things.
The first room contains paintings and photographs, there are images that are Hartini Mrs. fourth wife of the Bung Karno who loved batik, the daughter of the palace, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Bray Partini Djayadiningrat, jay Dimas grandmother who was a famous writer of the period . One of the most phenomenal work is ande-ande moss, painting girl from ordinary people using a special batik average person who at that time known as "dhenok" tub-style model photos, paintings by her husband of Queen mas X Pakubuwono during It is the king of the richest and most extravagant. Also shown are also paintings which include pornography category. At that time the so-called pornography is when a woman show calves.

The hallways in this room also contains a painting and batik. There are 3-dimensional painting, paintings, fashionable daughter, nurul gusti, Pakubuwono with his elder son and grandson of Princess Mayana, prince charles paintings, along with lady diana Sri Sultan HB X and Queen Hemas and various kinds of motif. Also told that during the Sri Sultan HB IX, batik allowed for public use or common people.

The room contains two Romantic poems and built for Gusti Tinneke made by aunts, cousins and nephews. Tinneke was a princess who loved a man but is forced to marry someone she did not love. At first she refused an arranged marriage, yet he finally gave up, too. While times are overwhelmed with sadness that aunt, cousin and nephew sent him a poem. One of them is:

Solo 7-12-1939
Tien Darling

Scatter of your affection
The neighborhood
Terangilah sad feelings
Gelarlah blanket of love over sin and shortcomings of others
That is the essence of happiness

The room contains three of Solo and Yogya batik. Batik at the moment can only be made by the daughter of the palace. And batik-making must be preceded by mutih event. Expected made batik will be useful later. There are broken machete motive motive which should not be used to wrap the dead because it was feared there would be a war for those left behind, there is also a special batik motifs used at states like the opposite sex, is intended to avoid rejection and many more.

The fourth room is a room encim batik. Where batik already been modified. Batik takes 3 months just to make batik 1. And of course the price at encim batik is very expensive.

The fifth room. This room is a special room GRAY. Siti Nurul Kamaril Ngasaratin Kusumawardhani. Beautiful princess beautiful palace was a princess who strongly disagree with the existence of polygamy among the palace. President Sukarno and Sri Sultan HB IX gusti just really wanted to be his wife nurul. However, having had a previous wife so gusti nurul reject the proposal. In addition to beautiful, too smart nurul gusti. He is adept at horseback riding, mastering 4 languages, as well as dancing. Even at one gusti nurul dibelanda event dance accompanied by gamelan sounding native of court by telephone. Very often the talk of the media in the country and abroad, especially because until the age of 30 years were not married. During this period, usually a girl after the first menstrual period (10-12 years) will immediately wed. According wiwin mba, Sentalu ulen tour guide, nurul gusti now living in Bandung and 82-year-old. Gray is the son of permainsuri, if the child of a concubine is called Bray. Siti came from Java and arabic language, which means princess. Kamaril from Arabic which means moon, so that means ngasaratin ten were Kusumawardhani is beautiful.

The sixth room contains paintings kethawang Dance bendoro park, where the dance can only be displayed when the king ascended the throne, danced by nine people who were still a virgin girl. Where at the time the dancers have danced in a net alias is not menstruating, and had to fast beforehand. It is believed there will be a tenth of dancers Nyi Roro Kidul. Painting Pakubuwono X, Sri Sultan HB X and Queen Hemas, as well as bridal portrait yogya Java.

The room is a room souvenir seventh. Here you can see, choose and even buy souvenirs.

End visit to this museum, we will be treated to drinks derived from cloves, ginger, pandan leaves and the secret ingredient that tastes so delicious. And the myth of this drink will make us long life.

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