
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Spirit In Serangan Oemoem 1 Maret Monument

Serangan Oemoem 1 Maret Monument located on Jl. Jend A. Yani, near the town square of Kraton Yogyakarta. Among the iron-iron fence, the monument is seen still standing strong and looking well groomed. This monument was crowded visited the children during school holidays, while on normal days this place looks like a regular hangout because it made this monument in front of a row of seats provided.

As its name implies, the monument was built as a representation for the attack which happened on March 1, 1949 in Yogyakarta. The attack was carried out by the Army of the Republic of Indonesia against the Dutch. The aim is to break the morale of the troops in the Netherlands and internationally proven that the Indonesian National Army (TNI) still has the power to resist. "Jogja's time was the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, so it can be taken even if briefly, the impact would be enormous", light Suripto, tour guide in Sultan's Palace.

TNI to develop strategies to fight against the Dutch troops that began with the sabotage act like a phone network decided, destroying the railroads and the like. Then the Army made an attack on Dutch outposts that had spread in all regions in Indonesia.

The climax of this resistance occurred on March 1, 1949. This attack led by Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto, after obtaining approval from the Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the head of the Special Region of Yogyakarta at the time. The attack began at 06.00 at the same time all over the city. And ends at 12:00 after the Indonesian National Army (TNI) occupied the area for 6 hours.

The spirit of the Indonesian National Army when it deserves thumbs up. They have a strong determination to show the existence of himself. And as hard as they carry out what has become a destination and their ideals from the beginning. This spirit, which should be imitated by the youth in Indonesia, the spirit to go forward and achieve your goals. In order to have achieved victory Indonesian nation from imperialism through a long struggle will not be in vain.

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